I've been tagged! kenna tagged Mom, Chloe, AND me so i guess we will be having a lot of silly quirks on our blog, (which shouldn't be a problem seeing what family we came from.) anyway, so i have to write 6 quirks about myself, so here goes!
1. like kenna, i am a big cryer,(it must run in the family,) i cry no matter what emotion I'm feeling, if i get too excited, or sad or nervous, the tears come flowing.
2. my eyes are always eritating me because i have an eyelash that grows INTO my eye! (which just makes more tears.)
3. A long time ago, (no it wasn't just last week,) i saw one of my sisters fake like they were putting an olive up their nose, so i decided to try. let's just say that didnt turn out so well.
4. this one's more like my family's quirk, im the normal one in this case. my family puts cottage cheese on their potatoes. i used to think it was alright, but now i just think it's descusting!
5. my nick name is camillio radregus montegus de lajoya de nochocheese bennion. it's a little long. Jason gave it to me when him and kara got married. don't ask why, if you want to know that you'll have to ask him!
6. i LOVE Ariel! she is my very favorite princess! i was soooo excited when we actually got to see her in reall life in Disneyland! I'd also have to say the little mermaid is my favorite cartoon.
i hope you all like it! you probably won't enjoy it very much ,my life isn't all that interesting.
love, camille