Sunday, December 9, 2007

Mom's trip to arizona

Here are those pictures for you Kenna! enjoy!

All about Dad

The kids tell me I have been 'Tagged" so I have to write 6 things about me that everyone doesn't know.  That is going to be difficult because I am an open book. But here it goes:

1.  I don't always eat a plain bagel and grapefruit juice for breakfast.  Sometimes I eat a wheat bagel, and I even mix it up with orange juice.

2.  I think I must have peaked in social status in junior high.  The kids found some year book for Cowley junior high and they told me I was teachers pet, best dancer, and Mr. Cowley Jr high.  Mighty impressive.

3.  John and I made the big time last year when we were on the cover of Orthodontic Products Magazine.

4.  I finally fulfilled my 8th grade graduation wish which was "I want to get more husky" 

5.  In the eighties I was the king of using the curling iron to make the big, I mean really big, bangs.

6.  I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane, and I also went bun-gee jumping.  

Thanks Jake for giving me the honor of telling 6 really stupid things about myself.  I pass this on to Chase P.  ( I hear you never finished yours) Kara McCaleb, and Jason McCaleb.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yay! It's Christmas!!!

It's probably a little early to get too excited for Christmas, but we just cant help but get in the spirit! we had our Christmas lights up in early November and the day after Thanksgiving the inside of our house also got decked out. we've had Christmas music playing since November 23rd! I've had "Hark the Harold Angels Sing" stuck in my head for the longest time! well we hope you enjoy our Christmas pictures so far, I'm sure there will be many more to come.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


more food...

Thanksgiving and Chloe's birthday

we all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Chloe also had a great sweet sixteen. Kenna, we all enjoyed our "homemade bread" and Krista, the roll smelling is for you! we love you all and we hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving as much as we did!

Friday, November 2, 2007

we were gangstas and valley girls for halloween! hey krista, the "ghetto blaster" is for you!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mom's quirks

Hi everybody! It's mom! I know you all think that it has been dad and I blogging when in fact we are illiterate people when it comes to these things!! Chloe and Camille have actually been the ones getting the pictures and comments up and running. Had I known I would be included in the pictures I would have vetoed them! Seriously, I had to get up the next morning after seeing me in all my glory and get back on the treadmill. Nothing like knowing the whole world has seen my "greatness"!!!
Enough about me!! I am so happy to read about and see all of our family and friends!! It really is such a fun way to keep in touch! I don't know if I will be able to keep up as this is all new to me, but I'm gonna give it a try! We are always so thriilled to see our sweet little grand children and their parents!!!! It's just a bonus to click on and read everyones comments. Thanks for getting us going. Oh greattttttt!!! Camille just told me this is the place that I'm supposed to share 6 of my deepest, darkest secrets. Something about being tagged!! I think all of you kids know pretty much everything there is to know about me, but in case you have forgotten..........
1. In the sixth grade I beat Raymond Bame in the 50 yard dash because there was a fudgesicle at the end for the winner. Enough said!
2. I grew up having a wonderful childhood in a big family. My mother and dad are my heroes!
3. I thought store-bought bread was a treat----can you imagine??
4. I have secretly wondered if I could still play the tuba if the opportunity presented itself!! (Har, har!!)
5. During my "walks" I've become interested in birds. We had two baby owls in the cottonwood trees last year. I have been mercilessly teased about my "wildlife experiences".
6. If you think being a mom is good, being a grandma is the icing on the cake! P.S. (Thanks for all of you good little mothers out there taking care of our grandchildren!)

Camillio's Quirks

I've been tagged! kenna tagged Mom, Chloe, AND me so i guess we will be having a lot of silly quirks on our blog, (which shouldn't be a problem seeing what family we came from.) anyway, so i have to write 6 quirks about myself, so here goes!

1. like kenna, i am a big cryer,(it must run in the family,) i cry no matter what emotion I'm feeling, if i get too excited, or sad or nervous, the tears come flowing.

2. my eyes are always eritating me because i have an eyelash that grows INTO my eye! (which just makes more tears.)

3. A long time ago, (no it wasn't just last week,) i saw one of my sisters fake like they were putting an olive up their nose, so i decided to try. let's just say that didnt turn out so well.

4. this one's more like my family's quirk, im the normal one in this case. my family puts cottage cheese on their potatoes. i used to think it was alright, but now i just think it's descusting!

5. my nick name is camillio radregus montegus de lajoya de nochocheese bennion. it's a little long. Jason gave it to me when him and kara got married. don't ask why, if you want to know that you'll have to ask him!

6. i LOVE Ariel! she is my very favorite princess! i was soooo excited when we actually got to see her in reall life in Disneyland! I'd also have to say the little mermaid is my favorite cartoon.

i hope you all like it! you probably won't enjoy it very much ,my life isn't all that interesting.
love, camille

Sunday, October 28, 2007

splash mountain baby! it was a blast as you can see from the looks on our faces haha!

The Fireworks in Disneyland

We thought these fireworks were amazing! too bad we missed the finale.:(

Our Disneyland Vacation

Disneyland was sooooo much fun! We all had an amazing time!!! we hope Tyler loves our picture with the REAL Spiderman! Mom about went ballistic on some of the rides, (there were a few little drops.) we wished you could all come along for the ride! we hope you like the pictures! love you all and see you at christmas!

Chloe and Camille rockin out to Thriller

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Bennion Family Reunion

We all had so much fun this summer at our family reunion.